U•bi•quist (<ubiquist>) n.
A species that thrives in the most diverse ecological and cultural conditions and thus feels at home almost everywhere.

The Ubiquist

So, who is The Ubiquist? I am Nina Swaep, proudly born by the river in Rotterdam twenty-seven years ago. One could say I’ve got the Meuse running through my veins. Rotterdam is a vibrant place, a true cultural melting pot and home to one of the largest ports in the world. Perhaps it’s the international character of my city that has helped me feel at ease almost everywhere. This sense is why I like to think of myself as a true ubiquist.

After obtaining my bachelor’s degree in Art History, I specialised in Museology and the culture of the Middle East. After graduation I started learning Arabic and today I still am. I am working as a freelance journalist, editor, tour guide and project manager with a focus on Rotterdam, culture, food and travel. The activities I’ve been working on over the past years inspired me to share my enthusiasm for these subjects, often related to my beloved city.

I’m always on the look out for like-minded people and organisations with whom I can explore and work on interesting new projects. More info? Take a look at The Possibilities and follow my adventures on The Blog, Facebook or Instagram.

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